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About Us

Bayside Cyber Consulting was born as a result of several years working with a group of like minded friends in the GB Smart Metering security environment.

Our Managing Director is a senior consultant with over 30 years of experience in information security ranging from some of the largest UK Public Sector organisations, through world-class corporations throughout the world to the largest and smallest of UK energy suppliers as well as the organisations that support them, including most of the UK’s DCC adapter providers. 

We believe in maintaining a positive mindset, creating collaborative partnerships with a purpose, and always striving for significant outcomes. When you work with us, you should expect a collaboration with transparency and consistency. Want to learn more? Contact us today for an initial consultation.

Our Services

ISO 27001 Implementation

The world we live in relies almost entirely on digital technology. We are becoming increasingly reliant on hardware, software applications and network technologies to achieve business outcomes, generate revenue and achieve profit targets. Cyber security has become a major issue for many organisations.

The security of our data is now more important than ever, and a credible validation like achieving ISO 27001 certification is no longer a “nice to have” – it’s fast becoming an essential for organisations who need to keep information safe.

Can your business afford not to give it serious consideration?

Bayside Cyber can help you to get your head around what needs to be done to become compliant or, if you want to, become certified. We can provide access to systems that will support you on the journey to certification and enable you to achieve it more easily.

For smaller companies, we can even manage your certification on an ongoing basis, effectively becoming part of your management team and helping you to do the right things at the right time to maintain your certification status.

Contact us today for a no-hassle discussion.

ISO 27001

Cyber Essentials


Cyber Essentials is a government-backed certification that ensures companies are practicing good cyber hygiene. It’s required for government tenders and is an indicator of a commitment to security and data protection. 

Getting Cyber Essentials certified protects your customers against 99% of threats and demonstrates their security credentials to regulators and prospects. 

Using the CyberSmart ActiveProtect platform, we can ensure that customers are fully prepared for their assessment and remain prepared between assessments.

Contact us to find out more or start the process to become certified

Data Protection and Privacy

GDPR and the latest UK Data Protection Act can be confusing. Let us help you understand how you are affected and what you need to do to avoid the wrath of the Information Commissioner, your staff and your customers

Bayside has access to trained experts, who understand the compliance impact of GDPR and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 which implemented GDPR in UK law.

With trained DPOs on hand we can offer a range of services, from ad hoc advice and guidance, through implementation project support to a fully managed virtual DPO service.

Contact us to arrange an affordable assessment of where you stand on data privacy

GDPR privacy data protection

Human Resource Risk Management

Understand and strengthen your business’s security posture against human error and user-targeted attacks through ongoing HRM.

  • Drive security awareness
    • Train staff on modern security best practices through engaging security awareness courses.
  • Combat phishing attacks
    • Empower users with the ability to spot, avoid and report even the most sophisticated phishing attacks.
  • Reduce human error
    • Educate staff on how to avoid common mishaps like sending sensitive data to the wrong person
  • Safeguard exposed users
    • Reduce the chances of an attack by detecting when user credentials are stolen and exposed on the dark web.
  • Implement security standards
    • Keep staff well-versed on company security procedures with core policy templates and trackable approvals.
  • Demonstrate compliance
    • Showcase your compliance efforts with real-time reporting on how your business is addressing human risk


GB Smart Metering Smart Energy Code (SEC) and Retail Energy Code (REC) Compliance

Bayside Cyber is uniquely placed to help companies fully exploit the potential and rise to the challenges of cyber security, in ways that comply with the regulatory and standards regime being put in place.

Our team has a deep understanding of GB Smart Metering and Retail Energy, spanning from regulation through to the detail of the technical solution – that is implementable and meets the stringent cyber security requirements necessary to protect GB’s Critical National Infrastructure (CNI).

We can help leaders in the Energy Sector in all aspects of their Smart Energy or Retail Energy work, for example to:

  • Understand the range of obligations arising from the regulatory and standards regimes;
  • Develop all aspects of their cyber security and technical solution strategy and design, to ensure coherence, completeness and viability, whilst positioning it to exploit strategic potential;
  • Assure the design and implementation of solutions, from regulatory compliance through to the detail of cryptographic and protocol implementation of back-end systems and in-home solution components;
  • Best exploit solution components being delivered for industry use, and provide solution components such as those to link to the DCC.

Contact us today to discuss your needs

Smart Energy Code compliance

office desk, man, cyber security

Cyber Security Consultancy

We can offer you flexible and affordable options to meet the needs and objectives of your organisation, including;

Third Party Assessments: helping you to understand how well your suppliers manage their information security and, therefore, how well they look after your data;

Managed Services: working alongside your teams to support client operations to ensure Smart Energy Code (SEC) and Retail Energy Code (REC) compliance throughout the cycle between User CIO assessments;

Consultancy: working with clients to deliver solutions that meet their objectives. This ranges from short, focused reviews on specific aspects of a client’s programmes & projects through to our working in integrated teams with the client to deliver their objectives.

Contact us today to see how we can help

Clients we have helped


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